Welcome at BizzXL
BizzXl is a Dutch software development and consultancy company with a focus on improving business processes and making applications that are appreciated by the users.
BizzXL created a Joomla Business Applications a component framework based on Joomla! The basis of the framnework is a CRM orientated toolbox that includes Relation, Contacts Leads, Participants, Employees and Quotations, Invoices, Orders and much more see the whole list on Joomla Business Applications.com

A Registration portal for universities, using coursebased assessments, calendar for setting up a meeting, and an advisory letter for the applicant. With API connections this protal can be integrated in the administrative process of the school. The departemental struture insures use with different institutes within a university.

Improve interaction between student and teacher based on a taks timeline based application. Integrated chat based on task, Integrate portfolio as a part of the progress monitoring.
Joomla Business Applications
CRM, business processes and applications in one of the most succesfull Opensource Frameworks. With this modular system you can turn every websit into a Business Platform!
Why Customers choose BizzXL
BizzXL is a no-nonsens company with many years of exeperience in ICT en businessprocesses.
Our focus is to develop application with a low learning curve that are a joy to use in while supporting the businessprocesses.