Sharing quotations online


 Joomla Business Applications

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Dear Bezoeker,

Show online quotations, invoices and order confirmations to your customers with Joomla Business Applications CRM. 

There are many benefits for showing quotations, invoices and orders online.
These items, if shown online, are styled in the layout of your corporate identity. Attachments that support your quotation are shown as named elements (with links). An integrated part of your proposal and a description are other attachments in an email. 

Furthermore, the customer can confirm the quotation online. Making this is a closed sales cycle. The online quotation will have a fixed time it will be available, the timeframe will be set once in the general settings. 
Instead of an email filled with attachments, the customer will receive an email with a text and a link to the temporary URL for the quotation.

The customer can download the quotation, order confirmation or invoice as pdf, and all attached documents from the website. The customer will approve digital, so no signature (print scan or copy past fake) is needed.

Another advantage is: less files are send, so this is very good for the environment. All the documents of the customer are archived for your customer. They can always look at their specific documents.

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